How I Get Into the Flow for Painting

How I Get Into the Flow for Painting

How I Create a work of art is a journey, an intimate dialogue between oneself and the canvas. For me, painting is not limited to a technical or aesthetic act, it is a real dive into a state of flow, where time disappears and only creative energy exists. In this article, I share how I prepare this inner space, how I connect to my intuition and what helps me release this creative force that flows through me.

Create a sacred space

Before even touching a brush, I take the time to prepare my space. For me, this place must be in harmony with my state of mind. I put away what distracts me, I sometimes light a candle or incense, and I choose music that resonates with the vibration of the moment. here are my spotify playlists: SPOTIFY

This opening ritual helps me get into the creative energy and let myself surrender to the experience. I need to feel that the place is conducive to inspiration and that it supports me in this journey.

Refocusing in the present moment

Intuitive painting requires letting go, and for that, I often start with a short meditation. It can be as simple as closing your eyes, breathing deeply and setting an intention for my session. the best tips I give to my friends who ask me how I can live so much in the present: let myself be hypnotized by the world outside: an animal, the dancing shadows, connect to the details around me.

Let the body express itself

Before painting, I move. For those who know me, or who watch my tiktok, I love to dance. It can be a few stretches or just swinging gently. Movement releases tension and allows me to connect my body to my mind. When painting, I don't want to be just in my head, but let my hands follow a bodily and instinctive momentum. Afterwards, I talk to my intuition (my belly) and ask: "What do we need to express today?" or "What energy does it want to manifest through me?" These questions help me to anchor myself in the moment and open myself to what comes without judgment.

Connect to intuition

When I start painting, I'm not looking for a specific result. I choose my colors according to my feelings, to the flow, letting my hands go towards what spontaneously attracts me.

It’s a dialogue: sometimes I start with broad gestures, strokes or textures without thinking. Then I take a moment to observe what’s happening on the canvas. Often, shapes or patterns emerge on their own, as if the painting were guiding me as much as I was guiding it. It’s the moment of great satisfaction: the painting takes shape before my eyes all by itself, which gives me a lot of meaning.

Accept the unexpected

    Sometimes I don’t like what I create right away, but I’ve learned that it’s often these moments of doubt that lead me to something new. I let the layers of paint overlap, the colors blend, sometimes even the mistakes become key elements of the work. Sometimes a painting sits in the corner of my studio for a long time, and when I transform it, it metamorphoses. it's quite funny to see a work go from "i can't see you in a painting" to "i never thought you would bring me so much satisfaction"

    Painting in the flow is accepting that inspiration is not always linear. It is made of surprises, detours and moments of wonder.

    Getting lost to better find yourself

    In this state of flow, there is no longer any notion of time. Sometimes, I look up and realize that hours have passed. It's as if I disappeared into the process, completely immersed in my art. it's disappearing to come back with something that wasn't there before - a part of me that has found its place on the canvas. quite deep

    Close with gratitude

      When I feel like I’m done, I take a moment to thank the process. Not only for what I created, but for what I felt and went through. This ritual of gratitude allows me to gently close the experience, to let it resonate within me and above all to appreciate it.

      What flow brings me

      Painting in flow is not only a way to create works of art, it is an act of connection to oneself. It is a moment where I let go of expectations and judgments to simply be. Through this practice, I discover myself a little more each time, and this is what I seek to convey through my works and my workshops.

      If you too are looking to explore your creativity and enter this state of flow, I invite you to discover my intuitive art workshops. Together, we create a space to release your emotions, reconnect with yourself and let your intuition guide your brush.

      And you, what helps you get into the flow, whether it’s for painting or any other form of expression? Share your experiences in the comments, I’d be delighted to discover them!

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