Poem “the art of being”
You don’t need a title to be a creator.
No label, no medal,
just a breath, an idea, a movement.
Creation is there, in every gesture,
in the way you hold your cup,
in the way you make a word vibrate.
We are all artists, sometimes without knowing it.
A painter paints no more than a parent
who caresses the soul of a child.
The world is a canvas, vast, alive,
and every look, every smile, every thought
is a touch of color in this infinite space.
There is no good, no bad.
There are only shapes, vibrations, paths.
Life is art, and art is life,
without judgment, without labels.
Everything that exists is simply there
to be explored, to be embodied.
Norms have no place here.
You are a creator just by being,
by breathing, by observing,
by blossoming in this world
like a flower, like a burst of light.
Everything you do is an act of beauty,
when you stop judging,
and simply let yourself be.
You don’t need to be recognized,
no need for a label or a reward.
Art is in your breath,
in the way you look at what surrounds you.
In the silence, in the movement,
in every unspoken word, every smile exchanged.
Creation is not found in the result,
but in letting it flow through you.
So, stop looking for limits.
The truth is there, in the whole,
in the unity, in the purity of expression.
Every moment is a chance to be.
And in every action, every choice,
you are the artist of your own world.
The whole world is your work.
Dare to be, dare to create,
without fear, without hindrance,
because you are already all of that.
A creator, a living being,
an art in its own right.